take a deep breath
count to ten
take a deep breath
see a doctor
wear warm clothes
Mother : Bless you! oh,no! You have a fever.
You should see a doctor.
Father : Oh. But what about the zoo?
Mother : It’s OK. I will tell the kids.
Mum: Sarah, Sam, come here, please.
Sarah: What’s wrong?
Mum: Your father is ill. He should see a
doctor this morning, so we can’t go
to the zoo today.
Sam: Oh, no!
Mum: Don’t be sad. We can go next time.
Sam: How does Dad feel now?
Mum: Not well. Let’s go to the hospital.
Read the dialogue. 分角色朗读。
Mum: Sarah, Sam, come here, please.
Mum: Your father is ill. He _____________
this morning, so we can’t ____today.
Sam: Oh, no!
Mum:Don’t_________. We can go next time.
Sam: How does _________now?
Mum: Not well. Let’s go to the ___________.
Mum: Sarah, Sam _____________.
Sarah: ________?
Mum: Your __________. He should_______,