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师梦圆初中英语教材同步教科EEC五四制课标版七年级下册Read and Write下载详情
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Listen to the material and underline when, who and where.


Try to use proper prepositions(介词)

In: in January, in winter, in2019,in the morning.

On: on Monday, on July 1st ,2018.

Eg. On Friday night, Jack usually spend two hours watching TV.

At : at three thirty, at night, at noon, at this time of year.

Other prepositions:from…to…, before, after…

Let’ read

Listen to the material and underline when, who and where.


It rained hard when they arrived at the Feixia park.

Finally, they got to school in a hurry.

It is difficult for a child to reach the top of that mountain.

Read the passage again and answer the following questions.

What did Jane do?

She tried paragliding with her sister, then they ate Malaysian noodles and rode bicycles to Georgetown.

How did Jane feel?

She felt like she was a bird when she tried paragliding.

How was the weather and food?

It was sunny and hot. The noodles were special and delicious.

Use the answers to retell Jane’ experience.

when did Jane go there?

On July 15th, Monday

2 . who did Jane go with?

Her family went with her.

3. where did Jane go?

They went to the beach near their hotel.

4. what did Jane do ?

She tried paragliding with her sister, ate Malaysian noodles and rode bicycles to Georgetown.