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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Grammar: It is + (for…/of...) adjective + to infinitive下载详情

八年级下册(2013年11月第2版)《Grammar: It is (for…/of...) adjective to infinitive》集体备课PPT课件下载-通化市优质课

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It's exciting to hear about the news.

Taking some food and drinks is necessary.

It's necessary to take some food and drinks.

Group work:Work out the rule

It's exciting to hear about the news

It's necessary to take some food and drinks

We can use “ It's +adj.+to do sth.”to talk about the feeling of doing sth.

1.Wearing a pair of sports shoes is necessary.

2.Taking an umbrella with us is important.

3.To go on a trip is wonderful.

It is necessary to wear a pair of sport shoes.

It is important to take an umbrella with us.

It is wonderful to go on a trip.

While -trip: It's +adj. for sb.+to do sth.

Taking photos is interesting for the girls.

It's interesting for the girls to take photos..

Climbing the mountain is tiring for Li Yan.

It's tiring for Li Yan to climb the mountain.

Group work:Work out the rule

It's interesting for the girls to take photos.

It's tiring for Li Yan to climb the mountain.

We can use ‘It's +adj. +for sb. +to do sth.’ to talk about someone's feeling of doing sth.

Amy: I heard that you would go on a trip this week. Enjoy yourselves.

Simon: Yes. It is wonderful for us to go on a trip. Do you have some advice about the trip?

Amy: First, it is necessary for you to wear a pair of sports shoes. Next, it is important for you to take some food and drinks.

Simon: Anything else?

Amy: You should be polite, so it is not proper for you to push in before others.

In order to make sure you are safe, it is important for you to queue for your turn. What's more, it is right to protect the environment, so it is useful for you to take a plastic bag.

Simon: Oh, I see. Thank you!

Post-trip: It's +adj. of sb.+to do sth.

