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Brainstorming: We can use the Internet to…
The Internet is a wonderful place and has many interesting things. I can use the Internet instead of a library to find all kinds of information. Search engines allow me to receive thousands of links to the subjects I am interested in. Online shopping is very convenient, although I usually need a credit card to pay for the things. In my free time, listening to music is my favourite. I can either download music from websites or visit a website to listen to online. With the help of the Internet, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. People can stay in touch with each other over e-mails, instant messaging and chat rooms.
It's safer for us to give out our personal information on the Net.
When I come across information that makes me feel uncomfortable, I'll send it to others.
I'll agree to meet someone I've got to know online, because that shows I'm quite brave.
Discussion: disadvantages of using the Internet
do harm to our eyesight be harmful to our health
cause us to make bad friends cost much money
make us give up our study
make our personal information be given out