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The Make Trade Fair Big Box TourOn 17th April (Sunday) 2:30pm - 5:30pm, Oxfam Hong Kong will launch the Make Trade Fair Big Box Tour at the Hong Kong Museum of Arts in Tsim Sha Tsui. We will have an opening ceremony and performances including Indonesian and Filipino dancers, as well as local artists rendering farmers' songs. We hope to see you there!
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WTO Trade Rules Bring Poverty and Hardship to the poor Rich countries are forcing poor ones to open their markets and then dumping excess agricultural produce on them, undermining poor farmers' livelihoods, according to a new report released today by international agency Oxfam. The report shows how the present rice trade regime poses a grave risk to poor farmers, for whom rice represents both life and livelihoods.
?Press Release
Oxfam's views on the new World Bank chiefIn response to the World Bank's directors' decision to confirm Paul Wolfowitz as the next president, Oxfam calls on the new World Bank chief to ensure the Bank is clearly focused on reducing poverty. In particular it is crucial that the momentum on increasing health and education spending and the open door to diverse organizations is not lost.