Things begin with…
Is it a classroom?
No, it isn’t. It’s a house.
Welcome to my friend’s house!
What’s that ? It’s a / an…
a sofa [`s?uf?]
a tea table [`teibl]茶几
a table [`teibl]
a desk [desk]书桌
What’s that ? It’s a / an…
a bookcase [`b?k, ke?s]
What’s that ? It’s a / an…
a chair [t]
What’s that ? It’s a / an…
a bed [bed]
a drawer [`dr?:?]抽屉
What’s that ? It’s a / an…
a plant [plɑ:nt] 植物
a plant
What do I have in my house?
a sofa
a chair
a table
a bookcase
Where is my dog?
It’s behind the bookcase.
Is it a / an…?
on 在……上面
-Where’s the dog?