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牛津上海课标版《Unit 4 Entertainment》公开课PPT课件优质课下载


Yesterday, walking across Washington Square, she saw him for the first time in years.


They were chatting about their families in Washington Square nearly at sunset.


Suddenly she shrieked very loudly, “Good-bye!” But the bus door had closed.


5 Suddenly she shrieked very loudly, “Good-bye!” But the bus door had closed.

4 They were chatting about their families in Washington Square nearly at sunset.

3 Yesterday, walking across Washington Square, she saw him for the first time in years.

2 Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved. Bill went away, bitter about women.

1 When Bill was very young, they had been in love. Many nights they had spent walking, talking together.

5 Suddenly she shrieked very loudly, “Good-bye!” But the bus door had closed.

4 They were chatting about their families in Washington Square nearly at sunset.

3 Yesterday, walking across Washington Square, she saw him for the first time in years.

2 Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved. Bill went away, bitter about women.

1 When Bill was very young, they had been in love. Many nights they had spent walking, talking together.

Meeting in Washington Square

1 Mary:Bill Walker.

2 Bill: Mary! Where did you come from?

3 Mary: I live in New York now.

4 Bill: Oh.

5 Mary: Always wondered what happened to you, Bill.

6 Bill: I’m a lawyer. Nice firm, way downtown.

7 Mary: Married yet?