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高二上册《Unit 3 Contemporary style》PPT课件优质课下载

Now pls open your book, turn to page 44, read the title and the rubrics and then quickly figure out what this passage is mainly about.

王沁雯, What is this passage mainly about? (a new trend in American schools) ? What is the new trend? (Uniform fashion)

But what information about the trend in included?

Please go on skimming the whole passage in 30 seconds. This time, I’d like you to divide the four paragraphs into three parts and figure out the main idea of each part.

So, 张静雨,what is the first part according to your opinion? (para 1) Do you all agree? What does the first paragraph mainly talk about? (general information) Yes, and did you notice some time information in it? More specifically, since it mentions the years, we can say it talks about the? (history)

Then among the remaining three paragraphs, which two can be grouped together? Which word gave you the hint? (also)

So what do these two paragraphs talk about? (benefits) Good! Or we can say, the reasons for the school uniform policy, shall we?

Then what about the main idea of the last paragraph? (disadvantage) Which word tells you that? (although) So this word indicates the contrary relation. And if we say the second part is the reasons for, accordingly, this part tells about the reasons? (against)

Very good.

Since you’ve already worked out the structure of the passage, let’s get down to the details. Please read the first paragraph in 30 seconds and then find out the information to the questions on the PowerPoint.

How long’s the history? Did other school follow the trend and why?

XX, so how long is the history of school uniforms in the US? (about 30 yrs) How did you know that? (In 1987, CHE went against tradition by becoming the first public school in the USA to make students wear uniforms.) And did other schools follow this trend? (Yes.) How many of them? (12%) Yes, by 2000, 12% followed. And actually, by 2015, that number has risen to 20%.

But why did some public schools follow this trend? (To promote safety and discipline) Yes, to help these things develop. What else? Don’t forget the original purpose for CHE to break with the tradition. (To reduce trouble)

So how does wearing school uniforms promote safety and discipline and reduce trouble? Let’s come to para 2-3. While you are reading, pls underline the reasons for the school uniforms.

Now please read para 2 to para 3. While you are reading, please underline the reasons for the school uniform policy.

So what’s the first advantage mentioned here? (has helped reduce school violence) But why? (since many school violence is linked to the wearing of gang colors). If school violence is linked to the wearing of gang colors, we can also say it …?

Well, we know a gang is a group of young people who do illegal things together, just like the ones in this picture, right? So according to your opinion, what color is linked to gangs and why? (Black) Why? (Because it is linked to darkness/death/violence/danger) 或者 What would you think of when you see the color black?

Actually, in the US, not only black, but also red is considered a gang color. Can you guess the reason for it? What is red linked to? (Red is a gang color because it is linked to blood).

So you should be aware when you travel abroad.

And what was the result of less wearing of gang colors? (number decreased by 40%).

Are there any other advantages of wearing school uniforms?

Yes, it gives you certain identity. And it also reduces the peer pressure. Well, from the phrase itself, could you tell me where the pressure comes from? (from peers) yes, from you own age group.

Then how to understand this? According to your own opinion, why can wearing school uniforms reduce peer pressure? (famous brand, extravagant clothes… ? So if we ) And actually, many things can cause peer pressure. My peer pressure, for example, was from those who were very skinny. Because when I was at your age, I was a bit chubby, so I always felt peer pressure especially when I was sitting right beside some slim girls. What about you? Where does your peer pressure come from? And why?

Is there any other advantage?

Here, I have a picture with the student chair from four different schools. Which one do you think is the most confident and beautiful one? (our schools) Why?