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Thank my daughter for drawing the pictures

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Learning to learn


Reading Comprehension


Your Daily Life.

To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life.—Maugham

养成阅读习惯等于为自己筑起一个避难所, 几乎可以庇护生命中所有的灾难.

—— 毛姆

I’m 70. I wanted a position(职务) that there weren’t many people in that position that looked like me. When I beat for the position,she was like “ I don’t know if you can do this”. I looked around the department and I saw the people doing. I said “well, aren’t those humans sitting at the desk?” “I’m human, so I can do it too.” The rest is history as I say that was 31 years ago. I did it and I’m comfortable and I travel. It’s a good life. It’s such a good life.Being the coordinator(协调者), I tell them you know let me know if it’s not a good fit, then I’ll change it. So one little boy the tutor (辅导教师) want to be changed because she said he was too many questions. So I took him. When I took him, I found that he was very intelligent. He was very inquisitive(好奇的). But what really got me through was that one week when we came back he came in the door and said “ I’m a genius, I am a genius(天才)” And I was like tears. He said, “ I got a hundred percent of my spelling test.” And I thought that was just… I did that. I helped him do that.

The misconception (误解) that somebody young people have is that when you roll, everything changes. You lose stuff. You don’t. Your minds, your desires and your drives(驱动力) stay the same. They are there. It is that your body can’t fulfill(实现) those wishes. But I went Ziplining(高空滑索). It’s 55 years old and I mean it was an adventure. I was mature but this Go for it. Go boldly(勇敢地) into the future and boldly into your maturity because it’s a wonderful thing. It’s life cycle. It’s wonderful. Embrace(拥抱)it. It’s cool.

I’m 70. My 70 is not bad. I married the same person three times and so I put my children through some very unpleasant experiences. With the divorce and going back and forth(来来回回) for three times. Ok, I wasn’t ready to give up on it, but there came a time when I needed to give up on it. And you have to forgive yourself. I feel like I was a much better mother than I was mother. I know when my daughter moved I spent that hour crying because I wasn’t going to have my granddaughter there and my grandson. And that’s when I reduce my hours at work. I said I’m not going to be a grandma that they don’t know.

I don’t have a bucket list anymore. I may have something tomorrow that I never thought. Oh, maybe I want to do that. I’m living my bucket list daily. I’m doing what I want to do right now.

I’m 71 years old. I feel I’m right in between feeling really old and still feeling young enough to be able to do the things that I want to do.

At the age of 61, I was diagnosed with(被诊断为) a rare risk of cancer. I’ve definitely felt m mortality(必死的命运). So I was just balancing doing the things I believe in and enjoy with not knowing how much longer I’m going to be able to do it. You know the night before my surgery(外科手术) where they did not know what they were going to find. They know it was large tumor(肿瘤).

Summed up things I said you know I’ve got a good life. It’s life of purpose. It’s a life of doing the things I believe in. When one dies, you know, you don’t look at the date of birth and the date when they die but you look at the dash (破折号) in between (在中间)and what’s important is what they do during that life.

Learning to learn


Reading Comprehension


Your Imaginations.

What things have connection with these numbers referred to?

70/ 31/ 100/ 55