外研2003课标版《Reading and vocabulary》集体备课PPT课件优质课下载
It’s said that girls’ rooms are usually in order.Unfortunately, that is not true for my wife.
After I made the sentence above, my wife said angrily, “You have lost your principle.”
But after a moment, she said to me gently, “How do you want to bring up your baby?”
Looking at her, I answered, “Well, I always have a belief that a baby should be brought up in a peaceful and harmonious environment.”
And I also believe that after we found the atmosphere of love, our baby will also learn to love others.
2 Fast reading
What was the situation of ancient China?Whose influence has been the greatest?How long has Confucius lived for?How long was Chinese society was influenced by Confucius’s ideas?
Were Mencius’s teachings similar to those of Confucius or not?Who brought up Mencius?What did he do when the ruler didn’t follow his advice?
How long has Mozi lived for?Why was he famous?What did he found?
3 Careful Reading
Birth and death
4 DiscussionPresent what modern people can learn from the three great philosophers and their teachings.
子曰 礼尚往来举案齐眉至鬓白吾老人幼皆亲爱扫径迎客蓬门开看我泱泱礼仪大国君子有为德远播江山错落 人间星火吐纳着千年壮阔
子曰 礼尚往来举案齐眉至鬓白吾老人幼皆亲爱扫径迎客蓬门开看我华夏礼仪之邦仁义满怀爱无疆山川叠嶂 万千气象孕一脉子孙炎黄
看我泱泱礼仪大国君子有为德远播江山错落 人间星火吐纳着千年壮阔