必修3《Reading and vocabulary》集体备课PPT课件优质课下载
Walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges.
才饮长沙水, 又食武昌鱼。 万里长江横渡, 极目楚天舒。 不管风吹浪打, 胜似闲庭信步, 今日得宽余。 子在川上曰: 逝者如斯夫! 风樯动, 龟蛇静, 起宏图。 一桥飞架南北, 天堑变通途。 更立西江石壁, 截断巫山云雨, 高峡出平湖。 神女应无恙, 当惊世界殊。
The Three Gorges Dam
1.Which aspects might be covered in the passage?
2. Summarize the main idea of each part
Listening and fast reading
The Three Gorges Dam, which is the biggest
construction project in China since the building of
the Great Wall and the Grand Canal, has been
built flooding hydro-electric
power for the central region of China. The dam is
It is hydro-electric power station and
dam in the world and any
other construction project in history.
to control
and provide
nearly 200 metres high and 1.5 kilometres wide.
the largest
has cost more than
Making a summary by finding out the key words
Reading direction
the main idea of each part
Part 1
(Para 1-2)