Every person has two types of self. “There is the self— the person I think I am— and the ideal self— the person I wish I were,” Lahey writes. “For example, I am pretty sure I can never be better than a “C” class racquetball player (self), but I would love to win tournaments in the “A” class (ideal self).”
Is it possible to live with two selves inside you, the self and the ideal self? You can, but it may be difficult at times. First, you may feel very uncomfortable if there is a great difference between the person you are and the person you wish to be. “It’s okay for the ideal self to be slightly out of reach— that can stimulate us to improve ourselves,” Lahey explains, “but if the ideal self is so unrealistically perfect that we know it can never be reached, then we feel like failures.”
Lahey reports that a recent study by Timothy Strauman (1992) at the University of Wisconsin proved Rogers’ ideas. “Students in introductory psychology classes were interviewed and tested to determine if there were discrepancies between the way they view themselves (their concept of self) and the way that they think they would like to be or ought to be (two aspects of the ideal self).” The result of the study was that the students who saw big differences between their selves and their ideal selves were sadder and more anxious than the students who did not see big differences.
How much water do you think there is in the vase?
You’re content with the life you are living now.
The life you’re having now is half what you expect it to be.
You’re dissatisfied with your life now.
Psychological test
Reading— Summary
How many kinds of self are mentioned in the passage? What are they?
Two. The self and the ideal self.
Are they the same?
Is there any difference between them?
3. If the difference is great, what will happen?
It will influence our moods. If there are great differences, even psychological problems can arise.