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animals catches

our special


I love China

If you live in Australia, being fat is probable but not possible. It is more than likely to be your personal problem someday.

Look at this gentleman.

Junk food is Australia’s main food. Despite these food are very delicious , it contains a lot of fat.

It’s my favorite

Australians have already realized that being fat may affect their health.

Try to avoid food which contain a lot of fat!

Develop a good habit of food & drink.

Maybe fly is a kind of lovely animal. But in Australia, everyone hates it.

Australia’s economy is based on stock raising. As a consequence, the cows, sheep & pigs produce a large amount of shit.

We don’t like it, but flies do.

Flies like these famous & charming persons.

Maybe we can use flies in other ways.

Quiet a lot of Australians can drink a lot, not only adults but youth . Drinking is a part of their culture.


Sots make our society much more unsafe.

More sots mean that the level of our health has fallen down.

Vagabond is a kind of person who feel it useless doing everything. They likes staying in one place more than doing other things.

Australia’s charity (慈善机构)makes some people believe that even though they don’t work ,they can live on others.

These social problems not only exist

in Australia, but all over the world.

We must focus on them all the time and make