《Task(2): Doing a survey: Skills building 3》最新PPT课件优质课下载
Suggestion: The school should have more sports equipment.
Playing sports
From our recent survey of students, we have found that 53 per cent of the students often play sports. The most popular sport is basketball, which is played by 45 per cent of the students. This is followed by football, which 40 per cent of the students often play. A small number of students play other sports, such as table tennis.
We want to give the students more chances to get into shape by playing sports. For this reason, we suggest that we organize a school basketball tournament, since basketball is the most popular sport in the school. Each class would have its own basketball team which would practice several afternoons a week. Then on sports day, the classes would play against each other. We could offer awards to the winning team and the most enthusiastic player. This would be a good way to build the school spirit with an activity that many students enjoy.
Facts and conclusions
Details of suggestions
A survey on students’ favorite books
From our recent survey of students, we have found that….
We want to get the students interested in reading. For this reason, we suggest ….
Have you …
-used more than 3 different sentences to analyze the facts?
-drawn conclusions?
-given suggestions, as well as the ways and result?
-written good sentences?
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