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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块七 Module VII Improving our livesTask(2): Reporting on short-sightedness: Skills building 3下载详情
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《Task(2): Reporting on short-sightedness: Skills building 3》新课标PPT课件优质课下载

4. asking students to look out of the window in the middle of lessons or other activities

5. looking out for students with eyesight problems

1. adjusting computer monitors

Step1 Revision

Measures No. 9 High School takes

1. distributing information to parents so they make changes in the home

2. introducing chairs that can be adjusted

4. looking out for students with eyesight problems

3. reminding students to do eye exercises both at school and at home

Free talk: measures our school will take.

We will take many measures to protect our students’ eyesight. For example…

Step2 Let’s learn

Step2.interviewing an eye doctor

Free talk : What can we do to protect our eyesight?

Some good ways to protect the eyesight.

Do eye exercises twice every day.

Do not read in bed or without good lighting.

Examine your eyesight regularly.

Have your eyes relaxed once an hour when working on computers or watching TV.

Focus your eyes on green trees or grass often for a rest.

Do not sit too close to the television

Tell parents or teachers about any problems with seeing words on the blackboard

●I would recommend that… This is because…

● I suggest that parents and teachers should look out for…
