模块八 Module VIII Appreciating literature and art《Reading(2):Important film events around the world》新课标PPT课件优质课下载
include sth B. refuse to use, buy sth
3) hatch ( Line 25 ) :
create a plan or idea
make a young bird, fish, insect come out of an egg
4) sponsor ( Line 28) :
A. pay the cost of an event for advertising
B. a person or company who pays for an event
5) modest ( Line 29 ) :
A. small, not expensiveB. large
6) expose ( Line 31 ) :
A. let sb. experience sth B. uncover sth
7) resemble ( Line 40 ) :
A. be similar to sth B. take a step backwards
8) edge ( Line 44 ) :
the sharp part of a knife B. advantage
9) overlook ( Line 52 ) :
A. ignore; fail to notice B. look down on
10) entry ( Line 63 ) :
A. pieces of works sent to a competition
B. joining in sth
Read the words
finance 给…提供经费
boycott 拒绝购买;抵制
hatch 策划;密谋