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How to write an informal letter

Writing style is the manner of expressing thought in language characteristic of an individual, period, school, or nation... 写作风格是一个人、一个时代、一个学校或一个民族用其特有的语言表达思想的方式...

Imagine you are on an exchange visit to the UK. Have a conversation over dinner with one of the parents of your exchange partner. Follow the stages.(Refer to page44)

1. Prepare some things to say and practise using formal or informal English.

2. In pairs, act out the situation. Your partner takes the part of the British parent.

Example:Mr Eric / William / James /Alan /Tony,

Could you please pass me the salt?

北师大高中英语模块4 Unit 12 Writing Help

Identifying style

Informal style is more direct including contractions(缩写) and colloquial (口语) or slang (俚语) expressions, e.g. yeah, sure, OK, thanks.

Formal style usually contains longer sentences and polite words and expressions, e.g. would you mind, please, thank you.

Rules for writing informal letters:

1.Write your full name and address even if it is an informal letter.

2.Use contractions(使用缩写): I'm, we've, isn't, it's

3.Informal choice of language(非正式词汇): Well, ok, it's got nice big windows, anyway,

4.Most people close the letter with phrases like With love/All the best/Take care etc. 大多数人在信的结尾都用“你的爱/用爱/一切都好/保重”这样的话来结尾。

北师大高中英语模块4 Unit 12 Writing Help

An informal letter

Rules for writing formal letters

1.You need to write your full name, address and date before you begin the letter .

2.It is always advisable to start the letter with ‘Respected Sir/Madam’ or ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ .

3.Before beginning to write the letter ,you must state the purpose of the letter . 在开始写这封信之前,你必须在一行标题为'主题'中说明这封信的目的。

4.Your letter should be very crisp giving out only that information which is required. 你的信应该非常清晰,只提供所需的信息。

北师大高中英语模块4 Unit 12 Writing Help

A formal letter