《Lesson 1 Language Learning》最新PPT课件优质课下载
To provide basic information necessary for a clear understanding of the “true” nature of learning a second language.
“ A man who does not know a foreign language does not know his own.”
Goal of all Foreign Language Study
To communicate with a native speaker of the language
What is Language?
Language, the principle means used by human beings to communicate with one another. Language is primarily spoken, although it can be transferred to other media, such as writing.
MSN Encarta
General Language Facts…
Over 6,800 Tongues
8 Countries account for more than half of all languages
There are 832 languages in Papua New Guinea
India has 15 official languages
Over 1000 languages are spoken in Africa
Most Widely Spoken Languages in the World
1. Chinese (Mandarin) 1,075,000,000?
2. English 514,000,000
3. Hindustani 1496,000,000?
4. Spanish 425,000,000?
5. Russian 275,000,000?
6. Arabic 256,000,000?