选修7《Lesson 1 Futurology》集体备课PPT课件优质课下载
The study of the future ( in order to forecast the future developments. )
价值中国网首席策略官Stephen Ibaraki近日采访了著名未来学家James Canton,畅谈世界未来的一些重要趋势问题。
第一,能源问题的重要性(Fuelling the Future),能源价格的上升会对全球,或者区域经济产生巨大的影响;第二,创新经济(Innovation Economy),个人、企业、政府对创新产业进行投资是很重要的趋势,因为创新不仅能够增加GDP,而且可以增加个人财富;第三,未来的人才(workforce),更多的人才意味着多元的文化,更普遍的全球化,我们要协调东、西方两个世界之间的对峙以发展生产;第四,与长寿相关的医药技术(Longevity Medicine),人们寿命的增加,带来了许多商业机会,因为寿命的延长需要更多的护理,以及生物技术与基因的研究作为支持,新器官、大脑记忆体、骨干、皮肤等的相关市场将大幅增加;第五,更多奇异的新兴科学(Weird Science),我认为未来的科学将改变人们生活的方方面面。如DNA技术与人类长寿、大脑芯片与人类的知识、物质传真等,都是非常奇异的技术,正在即将变为现实;第六,未来的安全(Securing the future),国际恐怖主义对人类的潜在威胁、金融风险以及密集工作所带来的意外伤害,等等,都需要相关的安全保证;第七,全球化的未来(The future of Globalization),自由贸易和开放的市场将成为二十一世纪的主流;第八,气候的变化(The future of Climate Change),科技的进步、经济的发达导致了地球变暖、污染、生物的生态改变,与此相关的议题将带来新的产业机会;第九,个人的未来(The Future of the Individual)个人将更关注新的生存方式,关注创新、以及自己成长的机会;最后,美国未来的发展模式(Future of America),不能回避的就是中美关系已经是世界格局的大事。中国现在的发展,越来越富裕,在以和平与发展为主题。
Why do we study the Future?
1.The world changes so quickly that it’s hard to keep up. New inventions and innovations alter the way we live. People’s values, attitudes, and beliefs are changing.
2. And the pace of change keeps accelerating, making it difficult to prepare for tomorrow.
3. By studying the future, people can better anticipate(预测) what lies ahead. More importantly, they can actively decide how they will live in the future, by making choices today and realizing the consequences of their decisions.
Unit 20
Lesson 1
I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.
我不缅怀过去的历史,而致力于未来的梦想。—— T. Jefferson 杰弗逊(美国第3任总统)
Are you interested in thinking about the future?
What do you think the future will be like? Predict it.
Car will fly in the sky
Robots will work for us even take place of our human beings.
We will travel to the moon or live there .
Even to other planets.
Tiny, insect-like robots
Living in space
Maybe we have a memory chip in our brain
Maybe no starvation