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We Are the World
1985年,非洲大规模饥荒,为了声援“灾区”,迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)和莱昂内尔·里奇(Lionel Richie)合作写了《We Are the World》,并请来众多当年的大明星合唱,歌曲产生了巨大影响。今年正好是《We Are the World》发行29周年,1月12日海地大地震的意外发生使得29周年版的《We Are the World》有了一个新的,而且是更重要的目的——援助海地,于是就更名为《We Are the World 25 for Haiti》。在汶川地震六周年之际,在玉树的人们还在地震伤痛中挣扎的时候,让我们一同唱起这首歌,四海一家的力量终将为我们创建一个更美好的家园。
We Are the World 25 For Haiti
There comes a time
When we heed a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And it’s time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all
We can’t go on
Pretending day by day
That someone, somehow will soon make a change
We are all a part of
God’s great big family
And the truth, you know love is all we need
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let’s start giving
There’s a choice we’re making
We’re saving our own lives
It’s true we’ll make a better day
Just you and me
Send them your heart
So they’ll know that someone cares