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Child A: Just wait a moment. I promise--- I'll do it later.

Child B: Aw Mom, do I have ?

Child C: Tom doesn't have to do this; why do I have to?

Child D: Could I at least finish watching this show?

Child E: Sorry, I work all day at school. I'm too tired!

Useful expressions:

In my opinion, students should do chores at home because it can be good for.../it can develop.../it can help us...

From where I stand, one of the reasons why students should do chores at home is that...

However, I hold the view that students shouldn't do chores at home because...

Useful expressions:

In my opinion, students should do chores at home because it can be good for.../it can develop.../it can help us...

From where I stand, one of the reasons why students should do chores at home is that...

However, I hold the view that students shouldn't do chores at home because...

B: As far as I am aware, involving students in household tasks at an early age can have a positive impact later in life. In other words, doing chores prepare students for adulthood by teaching them responsibility and new skills. C:Personally speaking, doing chores gives students the opportunity to give back to their parents for all you do for them. In the meantime, students begin to see themselves as important contributors to the family. To be honest, they naturally want to be a part of the family and want to help. D: For my part, by being expected to complete self-care tasks and to help with household chores, students are equipped with the skills to develop independently and responsibly in the outside world. E: From my perspective, doing chores can keep students much healthier. For example, plan your chores in a way that allows students to do them in succession to increase heart rate and work your major muscle groups.

B’: However, I argue that it is a waste of time to do chores at home. As we all know, in today’s contemporary, there is no doubt that students are surprisingly busy due to the increasingly fierce competition. C’: Whereas, from where I stand, in order to get good grades and be admitted into key universities, I prefer students to spend more time on their study rather than do chores. Doing chores isn’t an urgent and essential for students. D’: On the contrary, I hold a different view that they should play freely once they have leisure time, because they suffer enough stress from school. In addition, doing chores takes more time away from enjoying childhood.


Express yourself:

Express different ideas:

Some special transitional words:

Useful expressions:


Express yourself: As far as I am aware, Personally speaking, For my part, From my perspective.

Express different ideas: However, I argue that… ; Whereas, from where I stand …; On the contrary, I hold a different view that….

Some special transitional words: to be honest, in the meantime, to be honest, in other words, for example, in addition, as we all know.

Useful expressions: have a positive impact, give sb. the opportunity to…, be equipped with, independently and responsibly, in succession, it is a waste of time to…, there is no doubt that…, in order to, be admitted to, rather than,…