人教2003课标版《Using LanguageⅡ》优质课PPT课件下载
3. What can he do ? ( function)
4. What is his wish ? ( dream)
Read the passage and answer the questions
Task 1
He is an android football player.
He looks like a human and is as big as one.
Run fast and move and think like a human.
He wants to play against a human team.
Andy is an android who is a member
of a football team.He is as big as a
human.And he looks like one,too. He
is able to run fast so he is a striker.
He can also move and think like a
human.He would really like to play
against a human team one day.
Read it together.
Task 2
Read again and line out the phrases that are
Important. Then we’ll have a match about the
language points .
Astro boy
as big as a human
in a way
in this way