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选修7《Using LanguageⅠ》新课标PPT课件优质课下载

A reply from: Jo, a young Australian woman, who worked as a volunteer teacher in Papua New Guinea (PNG) for two years.

To: Rosemary, Jo’s friend

Independent State of Papua New Guinea

Located to the north of Australia.

A poor country with most people living in tribal (部落) villages and depending on farming to make a living.


Look at the pictures. What would be included in Rosemary’s last letter?

A. Do you have a good sleep there?

B. Are local people nice to you?

C. Is your teaching going smooth?

D. Do you have enough to eat?

Read Paragraph 1 to check your prediction.

Fast reading:Predict and check

I know you’re dying to hear all about my life here.

very eager to know; worried

Fast reading:Get the main idea of paragraphs

Para. 2 & 3

Para. 4 - 8

School and teaching

A visit to Tombe’s home

Work and life

3. Read the first sentence in Paragraph 2 and 3.

Read Paragraph 4. What did Jo also write in her letter?

2. What would Jo write to make Rosemary feel better?

Jo would tell her family and friends about her work and life there .