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1. How many poisonous snakes and how many poisonous spiders are there in Australia? Are they all capable of killing humans?

2.What effect do most jellyfish have on humans? What about box jellyfish?

3.How many kind of shark are there in Australian waters? How many kinds are likely to attack humans?

4. Do you think Australia is an unsafe place to live or visit?

Australia is home to more than 170 different kinds of snake and 115 of these are poisonous.(poison). In fact, Australia has more (many)kinds of venomous snake than any other country in the world. Luckily (luck), the poison of most snakes can kill or paralyze only small creatures. A few varieties, however, can kill humans, so it is just as well that snakes are very shy and usually attack only if they are disturbed (disturb)and feel threatened(threaten).

There are also approximately (approximate) 2,000 different kinds of spider in Australia and, like anakes, most have a poisonous bite. However, the majority have no effect on humans or cause only mild sickness(sick). only a few have venom that is powerful enough to kill a human being. While a small number of Australians are bitten (bite) by spiders each year, most recover without any medical treatment(treat).

There is one other dangerous animal in Australia worth mentioning(mention), and that is the crocodile. Although two types (type)of crocodile live in Australia, only the saltwater crocodile has been known to kill humans. This crocodile moves (move) very quickly when it sees something it considers to be (be) food, and from time to time a crocodile has snatched someone before he or she is even aware that the crocodile is there.