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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级下册Section A 3a—3c下载详情
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1.Was the house clean and tidy , or was it a mess ?

2.What would you do if your house is a mess like this ?

3.Why was Nancy’s mother angry with her ?

4.Did they solve the problem ? How ?

3.Why was Nancy’s mom angry with her?

Because Nancy didn’t want to help out around the house. (take the dog for a walk)

4.Did they solve the problem? How?

Yes, they did. They share the housework.

Read and answer

While reading

1.When did this happen ?

2.What was the first thing Nancy did when she got home ?

3.What did her mother want her to do ?

4.What did Nancy want to do ?

5.What does Nancy’s mother do during the day ?And what does she have to do in the evening ?

6.What was the result when neither Nancy nor her mother did any housework for a week ?

7.What did Nancy finally understand ?

After reading

Read the sentences below. Underline the sentences from the reading that mean the same thing.

Neither of us did any housework for a week.

2. My mom came over as soon as I sat down in front of the TV.

3. You’re tired, but I’m tired, too.

For one week, she did not do any housework and neither did I.

The minute I sat down in front of the TV, my mom came over.

I’m just as tired as you are!

Think more

1.Why didn’t Nancy’s father do anything ?

2.How many people lived in the house when this story happened ? Who were they ?

3.Did Nancy’s mother often get any help with the housework ? Why do you say so ?

4.What kind of family might this one be ?
