Stonehenge is not only a famous historic place, but also a great mystery.
Different ideas about purpose of Stonehenge
Who built Stonehenge, When it was built and how it was built are still mysteries.
Fast reading
There are three parts.
Part 1 ( Para 1)
Part 2 ( Para 2- 3)
Part 3 ( Para 4 ))
Careful Reading
Read the first paragraph carefully. Answer the questions below.
1.When do people like to go to stonehenge?
2.Why do people like to go there?
Especially in June
To see the sun rising on the longest day
of the year
Read the second paragraph carefully. Answer the question below.
Does Paul Stoker think stonehenge was a
No, he doesn't.
Read the third paragraph carefully. Answer the questions below.
1.What might the Stonehenge be?
2.What’s the Stonehenge used for?
Some people think it can _____illness and____people healthy. It might be _________or a place to____ ancestors . It was built to___________. (These are why people say Stonehenge is one of the greatest mysteries.)
A kind of calendar.
a burial place
celebrate a victory
Careful Reading