Different ideas about the purpose of Stonehenge.
Who built Stonehenge, When and how it was built are still mysteries.
Part 1
Part 3
Part 2
The introduction of Stonehenge.
What was
Stonehenge used for ?
How was the Stonehenge built?
Part 1 (Para 1)
What is Stonehenge?
2. How many visitors does it receive every year?
3. When do people like to go to Stonehenge? Why?
Stonehenge, a round circle, is not only one of Britain’s most famous historical places but also one of its greatest mysteries
It receives more than 750000 visitors.
In June. Because they want to see the sun rising on the longest day of the year.
Part 2 (Para 2 and 3)
Mysteries about Stonehenge
What might Stonehenge have been used as/for?
as a temple for ancient leaders to communicate with the gods.
as a kind of calendar
for a medical purpose (prevent illness and keep people healthy)
as a burial place or a place to honor ancestors
for celebrating a victory over an enemy
1. What’s one of the greatest mysteries ?
2. Could the group of English Volunteers build another Stonehenge ?
3. What do we know about the people who built the Stonehenge ?