lyrics 歌词
Jay Zhou
great lyrics优美的歌词
Because it has great lyrics.
pop music.
jazz music.
dance music.
classical music.
rock music.
country music.
folk music
What kind of music do you like?
I like music which/that is loud and energetic.
The music is loud and energetic. I like it.
I love music which/that I can_______________.
I can sing along with the music. I love it.
sing along with
I can dance to the music. I prefer it.
I can dance to.
I prefer music which/that
What kind of music do you like/love/prefer?
I love music that/which is loud and energetic.
I prefer music that/which I can sing along with.
I like music that/which I can dance to.
that I can dance to.
that has great lyrics.
that makes me excited.
that is comfortable to hear.