Fuji Sushi
Elephants temples
Passage reading (语段阅读)
You have 5 minutes to read the passages. Then you will show your reading ,the best reader can get 10 points.
Reading rule: No.4 and No.5 are supposed to read the passages, the best reader can get 10 points.
Create questions based on the passages. You will take turns to show your questions
Each group have to make at least one question .
Task rule: You can get 10 points for one correct question.
Guessing game ---(抢答题)
The speaker read any one of the sentences from the passages, the other groups compete to guess which city the speaker refers to.
Game rule
No.2 is the speaker. No.3 is the one who guess the city.
Hometown showing ---(家乡美)
In pairs ,talk about some popular places in your hometown. You can refer to the conversation on Page 80 in your textbook.
Your pen-pal in Australia will come to China, he doesn’t know anything about Beijing. Please introduce Beijing to him/her by writing a short passage.