What is it?
Colour colour , a colour TV.
Colour sheet
A colour TV
Lesson 9 What colour is it?
How many coulor pencils in this picture?
How many coulors in this picture?
Colour pencils
What is it?/what colour is it?
Red red red , a red apple.
A red apple
Could you show me sample like that?
What is it? / what colour is it?
Yellow yellow, a yellow banana.
A yellow banana
What is it? / what colour is it?
Green green, a green box.
A green box
What is it? / what colour is it?
Black black, a black pen.
A black pen
What is it? / what colour is it?
White white white, a white shoe.
A white shoe
What is it? / what colour is it?
Blue blue, a blue bus.
A blue bus
Make a game”touch colour”game rule: 1.two students performance. One ask”where can you see red in this class room”, the other one ,after listened go and near the red and touch it . 2.the first student continue ask “what colour is it?, and the second student contine answer. Finally come back to your seat”.