It’s about three little pigs and a bad wolf.
No, he doesn’t.
Read Picture1,then answer.
What are the three little pigs like?
What kind of houses do they build?
The first pig is lazy.
The second pig is careless.
The third pig is hard-working.
Straw house.
Stick house.
Stone house.
Read Picture2-3,then answer.
Who comes?
Does the wolf blow down the straw house?
The big bad wolf comes.
Yes, he does.
Are the lazy pig afraid?
Yes, he is.
What does the lazy pig do?
He runs to the stick house.
Read Picture4-5,then answer.
What do the two pigs do?
Does the wolf blow down the stick house?
They run to the stone house.
Yes, he does.
Read Picture6-7,then answer.
Is the hard-working pig afraid? Why?
Does the wolf blow down the stone house?
No, he isn’t.
His house is strong.