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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教版一年级起点六年级上册Story Time下载详情
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why did he appear on the stamp?

where can you see the famous people?

mostly, we can see some famous people on the stamps or on the money. on the postcard.

so we say famous people are important. they the symble of this country.

who said this sentence?

what is the meaning about fairy tale?

let's see. fairy tale means some stories for chirdren. just like it.

how to say THIS 安徒生童话。?

that is the right way. please remember.

who drew this painting?

xu beihong was not only famous for painting horses, but also good at painting so many animals.

who is he?

are you sure he is libai? what was he doing there?

every one knows libai is famous for writing poems. but you know . he is good at playing swards.

Li Bai is a famous swordsman in tang dynasty. is it cool?

that is my reasch. did you do some resarch about famous people?


so that is your decision. which one you want to know more.

so, today i prepared some special stories for you. would you please read these names please?

can you guess which stroy is taling about mo yan.

let's check your guessing. so what are we going to do next?

when you do reading circle, please remember the rules.

what is the amazing pairs talking about?

why the pairs is amazing?

look, here are all your quetions. i am so intrested in “。。。。。?“(呈现所有小组问题,学生选择感兴趣的提问。阅读该问题的小组回答。)

do you want to konw more?

what can we do?

i think we can ask mo yan.

now ,let's image, if these famous people can use we chat, we can ask him or her. we can know more.

what do you want to say to them? write it down. and stick it on your group board.