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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教版一年级起点六年级下册Story Time下载详情
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What fell on Henny Penny?

Suddenly,a nut fell from the tree.It hit Henny Penny on the head.

The sky is falling!

The sky is falling!

What do you think of Henny Penny?

What do you want to ask?你想提出什么问题。

Read the story silently. 默读故事。

Henny Penny ran down the road.She saw Cocky Locky.

Henny Penny and Cocky Locky ran down the road.They saw Goosey Loosey.

Why are you running?

The sky is falling!We're not safe!

Henny Penny,Cocky Locky and Goosey Loosey ran down the road.They saw Lucky Ducky .

You look so worried!Why?

The sky is falling!

Oh no!I'm not safe here!

I'm coming with you!

The sky is falling!

Really?I must go with you,too!

How does they say the sentences?

A. Happily B. Calmly C. Scared

Please imitate(模仿) them.

Why are you running?

The sky is falling!We're not safe!

You look so worried!Why?

The sky is falling!

Oh no!I'm not safe here!

I'm coming with you!

The sky is falling!

Really?I must go with you,too!

Discuss in your groups and answer the question.小组讨论回答问题。