1. What season is it?
2. How’s the weather like?
3. Where is Mother Duck?
1. It is summer.
2. It is sunny and warm.
3. She is near the river.
What is Mother Duck doing?
(She’s making a nest.)
How many eggs does she have?
Are they big or small?
She has some _______.
They are ____________.
He has some _______.
They are ___________.
What’s in the nest now?
Is it big or small?
There are some
______ in the basket.
How many eggs are there in each nest? What do they look like? Describe them.
Where does Mother Duck sit?
______ sits __________.
1. Read the story on page 58.
2. Complete Workbook 4B pages 68 and 71.
While-task procedure 1:
活动内容:辨析duckling / the ugly duckling
活动目的:通过duckling / the ugly duckling的对比掌握新单词
While-task procedure 3: