duck sat on her eggs for a long time.
After a while, one by one, ducklings
came out of the eggs.
"Cheep! Cheep!", "Cheep! Cheep!".
Mother duck was very proud of her
ducklings - but one of them looked
different from the others.
"Quack! quack! How can that duckling be one of mine?" she wondered. "He's so big and ugly!"
All the other ducklings were mean
and teased Sammy, the ugly duckling.
They didn't want to play with him.
Poor Sammy was very sad. "I don't
belong here," he said.
One day he packed his bags and
left home to find someone to be his
Soon he met some other ducks who
were playing. But they didn't want to
be his friends either.
Poor Sammy was very unhappy and
went away.
The next day an old woman saw the
ugly duckling. "I think I'll cook him
for my dinner," she said. She tried to
catch him but Sammy ran away as fast
as he could.
Poor Sammy was so sad that he hid
himself by the riverbank all through
the summer.
One day he watched some beautiful