Inside the tree.
In a cloud.
Over the rivers and mountains.
In the sea.
Where does Little Water Drop live?
2. Where does Little Water Drop go
when he gets hot?
3. How does he feel when he is in the cloud?
4. What do the trees need?
Where does Little Water Drop live?
He lives in the sea.
2. Where does Little Water Drop go
when he gets hot?
He goes up to the sky.
3. How does he feel when he is in the cloud?
He feels happy.
4. What do the trees need?
The trees need water.
I want to be up in the sky.
The sun shines.
Little Water Drop goes up to the sky.
He is in a cloud.
Hooray! I’m up in the sky.
We are thirsty. We need water.
The journey of Little Water Drop
Water Cycle
Draw the journey of Little Water Drop in winter.