play ping-pong
The baby can walk , but she couldn't walk three weeks ago.
He can skate very well now, but he couldn't skate last year.
seven years old
He can dance very well, but he could dance a little when he was seven.
sing English songs / now/ in the past
They can sing English songs now, but they couldn't sing any English songs in the past.
ride a bike/ this year/ last year
He can ride a bike this year, but he couldn't ride a bike last year.
swim/ now/ when I was five
I can swim very well now, but
I couldn't swim when I was five.
count/ now/ a month ago
The boy can count now, but
he couldn't count a month ago.
1. What is Jane doing?
2. What is Maria doing?
3. Can Kangkang and Michael play ping-pong now?
She is flying a kite.
She is performing ballet
Yes, they can.
Listen to the tape, and anser the following questions.
1b. Read 1a and complete the table.
perform ballet
a little
very well