《Lesson 3 The Superhero Behind Superman》优质教学PPT课件(统编北师大版)下载
What do you want to know about him? Ask as many questions as you can.
Cristopher Reeve
Why is Reeve known ad the superhero behind superman?
Read the story below. Have you found the answers to any of your questions? Underline the answers that you have found.
Fast-reading 1
Fast-reading 2
Fast-reading 3
Fast-reading 4
Careful-reading 1
Read the story again. Take notes of important facts about Christopher Reeve in the diagram below. Then talk about him in groups.
Becoming the star in Superman film
Becoming a superhero in real life
Careful-reading 2
Read the story again and answer the questions.
1. What was Reeve's “wildly successful Hollywood career” like?
2. How was he injured? Why was it considered a disaster?
3. How did he come out of the “nightmare”? From where did he get the strength?
4. What did he do as an advocate for medical research?
Careful-reading 3
Read the story. Pick out the expressions that you feel are the most impressive. Read them aloud and explain why you chose them.
Imagine yourself in the following situations. Answer the questions.