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《Unit Two Changes in Life Lesson 2 Life in the Future》优秀公开课ppt课件(九年级下册)

operate/examine/treat patients


replace: take the place of;

George has replaced Tom as captain of the team.

Do you think machines will replace people in the future?

What may replace workers, doctors and farmers fifties years from now?

In the future, workers may be r_______ by robots. Now robots are used in big factories and c________ because they can work efficiently for a long time w_______ taking a rest. In 50 years robots will be s______ everywhere ------ in factories, schools, offices, hospitals, shops , homes, etc..

Read the first prediction from some scientists:





Why are robots widely used in big factories and companies?

Where will robots be seen in 50 years?

Is it special?

I am a sheep named Dolly. I was lucky enough to be the first cloned sheep in the world. I was born in 1996 and died in 2003.

clone: 克隆

gene: 基因

A cloned sheep means a sheep is produced nonsexually from a single cell and it has exactly the same form from its parent.

Life comes from genes.

If scientists can control genes, they will be able to clone not only animals but also people. Additionally, they can decide how people look, how they behave and how intelligent they are.

In 50 years many diseases will be cured through medical technology. Today, there are electronic devices that can help people hear. In 50 years, doctors will be able to help blind and deaf people to see and hear again, and new medicine will enable people to live longer. What’s more, scientists will discover how to control genes. Now clones of animals have already been produced by scientists. Some scientists are even planning to clone people, and decide how they look, how they behave and how intelligent they are.

Read the second prediction from some scientists:

What will happen to blind and deaf people in the future?

What will enable people to live longer?