I have no shape,
I am very valuable ,
Flowers and trees need me,
You need to drink me every day.
Right! I’m water!
Unit 5 Water
A quiz about water
Group Competition: Quiz about water.
1. You can live without water for a few .
a. hours b. days c. weeks
2. When you exercise, you need____water.
a. more b. less c. no
3. Water covers about _ __of the Earth.
a. 30% b. 50% c. 70%
4. There is a lot of water on Earth, but _______is from the sea.
a. 3% b. 97% c. 20%
5. About ________ of the human body is water.
50% B. 30% C. 70%
6. Most of the water in the world is ________.
fresh water B. drinkable C. undrinkable
7. If water drips from the tap every 10 seconds,
we will waste about ______ litres of water a
215 B. 315 C. 415
8. Having a shower instead of a bath can save up to ______ litres of water a week.
A. 400 B. 300 C. 200
9. 97 per cent is from the sea. We can’t drink it because __________.
It is dirty B. It is too salty C. it is not fresh
10. What day is the World Water Day?
A. 3.21 B. 4.15 C. 3. 22