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五年级下册英语《Unit 2 What does Sandy like to learn》精品课课件

learn the violin 学习小提琴

be interested in doing/sth. 对……感兴趣

get a form from school 拿到一张学校的表格

What a good chance! 多好的机会呀!

I’m interested in _________. Now I get a form from school. I want to join the school band. So I’ll write: I like to learn to play ________. My parents will be happy about that.


What musical instrument do you like to learn?

L: Hi, Joy. Why are you in a hurry?

J: I think I’ll be late for the football match. Do you want

to go with me?

L: No. I’m not a football fan. I like to play with my pet at

home. He’s lovely. But sometimes he’s naughty.

J: Is he? I think he’s cute. What does he like to do?

L: He likes to smile at you. And he is good at stand on

his back feet .

J: That’s funny.

L: And sometimes he likes to jump on me and kiss me.

J: That’s nice.

in a hurry 匆匆忙忙 a football fan 一个球迷 jump on sb. 向某人扑去

stand on back feet 用它的后脚站立

play with (my pet) 和宠物玩

smile at sb. 对某人微笑

L: Hi, Joy. Why are you in a hurry?

J: I think I’ll be late for the football match. Do you want

to go with me?