锦囊:世界地球日(Earth Day)即每年的4月22日,是一个专为世界环境保护而设立的节日,旨在提高民众对于现有环境问题的意识,并动员民众参与到环保运动中,通过绿色低碳生活,改善地球的整体环境。地球日由盖洛德·尼尔森和丹尼斯·海斯于1970年发起。现今,地球日的庆祝活动已发展至全球192个国家,每年有超过10亿人参与其中,使其成为世界上最大的民间环保节日。
锦囊:世界环境日(World Environment Day)即每年的6月5日,它反映了世界各国人民对环境问题的认识和态度,表达了人类对美好环境的向往和追求。它是联合国促进全球环境意识、提高政府对环境问题的注意并采取行动的主要媒介之一。
What can you see from the cover(封面)?
Picture book
Listen and say
1.What holiday is it today?
2.What are the girl and Biscuit going to do ?
Before celebration
“Wake up, Biscuit. It's Earth Day!”
“Today we are going to have an Earth Day celebration. Let's go.”
Woof, woof!
On Earth Day, we protect the Earth.
We can save water to help.
Woof, woof!
What can they do before Earth Day celebration?
Tips:快速阅读下图,找出女孩和Biscuit 在地球日庆典前做了哪些相关的事情?并划出关键信息。
Read and answer
Before celebration
“On Earth Day, we can help all animals, Biscuit.” Woof, woof!
Read and choose
1.How can they save water?
2.How can they help the animals?
Turn on the water .
B. Turn off the water .
catch the bird and kill(杀死) it
B. build a nest with twigs
Tips:仔细阅读,找出女孩和Biscuit 是怎么样节水,帮助小动物的?
“Biscuit,I turn off the water .
I don't want to waste a drop!”