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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教(精通)版三年级起点五年级下册Lesson 15下载详情

人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)《Lesson 15》集体备课PPT课件下载-黔东南州优质课

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Kate Mary


Listen and answer. Sometimes he is not a good boy.


Listen and answer. Sometimes he is not a good boy.


Listen and answer. Sometimes he is not a good boy.


Listen and answer. 1.Is Peter a good boy at home? 2.What does he do? No, he isn’t. He often make a mess. He watches Tv too often. He reads in bed. He goes to bed very late.


Listen and answer. Sometimes he is not a good boy.


Peter is a good student at school.But sometimes he is to do housework not a good boy at home. makes a mess watches TV in bed goes to bed rules


Peter is a good student at school.But sometimes he is to do housework not a good boy at home. makes a mess watches TV in bed goes to bed rules


Make some home rules for yourselves. How do you think to be a good child at home?


Listen and answer. Sometimes he is not a good boy. Play computer games


Listen and answer. Sometimes he is not a good boy. Play computer games


Listen and answer. Sometimes he is not a good boy. Play computer games


Listen and answer. Sometimes he is not a good boy. Play computer games


Make some home rules for yourselves. How do you think to be a good child at home?


Listen and answer. games
