2019-2020学年湖南省长沙市长沙县第九中学高二上学期期末考试英语试卷 Word版含答案


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英 语 试 题

时间:120分钟 总分: 150分

第一部分 听力(共两节,每小题1.5分;满分30分)



1. What will the woman do right after she types the letter? (  )

A. Have a meal. B. Change her clothes. C. Take the car.

2. How much will the woman pay for the T-shirt and the jeans? (  )

A. $10. B. $20. C. $30.

3. What do we know about the woman? (  )

A. She has a fever. B. She looks very tired now.

C. She fell asleep in an outdoor chair.

4. What are the speakers mainly talking about? (  )

A. The weather this year. B. Water conservation. C. The importance of washing.

5. What is the man likely to do on Friday? (  )

A. See the new exhibition. B. Watch a baseball game. C. Finish a report.




6. Why does Mrs Thompson want to see the speakers according to the girl? (  )