2020届福建省三明市普通高中高三上学期期末考试英语试题 Word版含解析


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2019-2020 学年三明市普通高中第一学期期末质量检测


第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




Middle School Academic Summer Camp Courses

Enrichment Theme: Creative Minds

August 15- August 27

A wide variety of enrichment courses await you at R-MA’s Summer Academic Camp in the Northern Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Come and explore the galaxy, master technology, broaden your reading base….It’s a summer that you’ll never forget!

Science Explorer:

Students will uses simple machines to invent Rube Goldberg challenges. Weekly creations will provide students chances to work together and think creativity with others. This course is our most popular, apply early to reserve your space!

Reading & Writing:

Get occupied with non-fictional text that describes some of the greatest inventors of all time. Create digital text that is both interactive and animated (交互 和动态的).

History in Action:

Recreate some of the most influential architectural features from the early civilizations by using everyday materials. Let your imagination head to another world with hands-on activities on a daily basis.


You can use our digital keyboarding software to make a variety of music Are there chances to

play instruments in space? How does it sound and What are the challenges? Learn about how music plays a role in space.

Middle School Academic Enrichment. Camp Fees