2019-2020学年新疆阿克苏市实验中学高一上学期期末考试英语试题 Word版含解析


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考试时间:120分钟 满分:120分




Animal moms are great moms. You might be surprised at some of these moms.


The octopus mother lays(下蛋) about 50,000 eggs. For about 300 days, she stays with the eggs, cleans them and protects them. She does not leave to feed. However, this animal mom dies as soon as the eggs are hatched(孵化).

Crocodiles (鳄鱼)

A crocodile mother puts a lot of time and effort(努力) into raising her babies.

She starts by building a nest(巢)which she guards for over two months! When the eggs are ready to hatch, the young crocs call out to their mother, who digs them out and helps them hatch. She then carries them in her mouth down to the water, where she will guard them for several more weeks or months until thy learn to hunt on their own.


Bats become moms by hanging head up in a cave, giving birth. Catching the youngsters before it can fall to the ground below, she puts it in a pouch (育儿袋) .Bat moms may carry babies with them when feeding for the first few days. As the little bats get bigger and heavier, moms help them hang on the wall of their caves and return to feed them. It continues for about three weeks, until the babies are grown up and able to fly on their own.


The animal mom gives birth after pregnancy(怀孕期)of only 35 days. The hairless baby climbs into its mother’s pouch and lives there for another five months. When the little koala is between five and eight months old, it leaves the pouch for short periods of time but returns for safety. Once it is too big to return to the pouch, it will climb onto its mother’s back and ride there until it is about 12 moths old.

1. Which animal moms die when their babies are born?

A. Octopuses B. Crocodiles C. Bats D. Koalas

2. A crocodile mother usually carries her baby to the water__________

A. inhermouth B. onherback C. inherpouch D. byhertail