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1. ????Is?your food and drink healthy?? A lot of ice cream,? hamburgers and (1)_______are not healthy. Meat is healthy (2)_______too much meat is not good for children. Cola and candy are very (3)_______,? and too much sugar is not good for you.

????Eat?the (4)_______ food and be healthy. Carrots,? eggs and sweet potatoes are good for your eyes. Milk,? cheese and fish are good for your teeth. A bit tired?? Have lots of delicious chicken soup.

????It?is important to remember:? eat well,? stay healthy,? and don't (5)_______!


A.water B.cola C.milk D.juice


A.because B.so C.but D.or


A.sweet B.delicious C.good D.healthy


A.expensive B.favourite C.important D.right


A.have dinner B.hurry up C.get fat D.sit down


2. ????Your?parents go to work and you are at home alone. Do you (1)_______it's great??

????Zheng Peng says (2)_______. "I can do my favourite things,? like watching TV and (3)_______computer games. But who does the (4)_______for me??" the fourteen﹣year﹣old boy says. "I can have instant noodles,? but that's not healthy. I think many students in my class are the same. Our (5)_______ do all the things for us at home."

????Students(6)_______to learn some life skills(生活技能). Making chicken is (7)_______for you,? but tomato and egg is easy. Sweaters are big for you to wash,? (8)_______T﹣shirts and socks are small. You can't tidy the big house. So,? how about your room?? You see,? there are lots of (9)_______we can learn to do.