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1. When we are in trouble, we should face the problem bravely instead of giving ________ up.

A.it B.them C.him


2. Parents are supposed to tell their children confidence and honesty are the best ________ in their life.

A.wealth B.protection C.agreement


3. My little son kept waiting for me to return home ________ he was really sleepy.

A.if B.till C.because


4. The doctor suggested that we should ________ our physical health regularly.

A.separate B.examine C.overcome


5. Some actors are ________ in the TV series while they are kind-hearted in the real life.

A.cruel B.musical C.humorous


6. The tiny baby coughs ______ when she goes out on such a smoggy(雾霾)day.

A.badly B.wisely C.patiently