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1. ﹣Is Total Soccer _______ weekly round﹣up of soccer?
﹣Yes, it provides us with _______ latest news on soccer.( )
A.a; the B.the; a C.a; a D.the; the
2. Grace is _______. She keeps all her things _______ good order.( )
A.organize; in B.organized; in C.organize; at D.organized; at
3. Neither he nor I _______ a middle school student.( )
A.be B.is C.are D.am
4. The doctor gave him some advice and he thought it was worth _______.( )
A.to take B.took C.taking D.takes
5. A thief _______ his house last night and stole all his money.( )
A.broke in B.broke into C.broke down D.broke out
6. If it _______ tomorrow, I will go to the park with you.( )
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