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第一部分 选择题单项选择从下面各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案.


1. Coffee is ready. How nice it ______!

A.smells B.sounds C.feels D.becomes


2. ﹣Do you know how tea was invented?

﹣It is said that tea was invented___.( )

A.by accident B.on display C.on sale D.in surprise


3. Ted's father is really busy and has little___time.( )

A.spare B.interesting C.boring D.strange


4. If you change the___ of the chairs and the apples, there will be more space in the office.( )

A.style B.material C.pattern D.position


5. ﹣I'd like one kilo of apples and two kilos of bananas. How much are they?

﹣The ___price is 20 yuan.( )

A.all B.total C.high D.low
